Fenton Art Glass Collectors of America (FAGCA)
Educational Scholarships (Application Form)
Personal Information: Date of Application:_________
Your Name: _______________________________________________________
Mailing Address:____________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________
Day Telephone (including area code): ______________________________________
Evening Telephone (including area code): ___________________________________
Social Security Number: _______________________________________________
Educational Background:
Please list all high schools and post secondary schools you have attended:
School Name & Address Years Course of Study Graduation Date
Other Certificates or Degrees and Dates Received
Educational Goals:
What are your educational and/or career goals? List examples of the types of courses you will take as well as degrees you will pursue to achieve your goals.
Financial Needs:
What is your total anticipated financial need for this academic year? Please be specific.
How critical is this scholarship to you continuing your education?
Information regarding you and your activities:
Briefly describe your community, school and work activities that would let us know more about you.